As a company we do care about “green” environment and has been officially entitled to being one of the first Green Office and the only travel agency in Turkey certified by WWF.
We have participated to a meeting with WWF Turkey Office with our entire staff in order to notice the threat that the nature is facing. After our application for Green Office Program we decided on two measurable targets to decrease our consumption, those were paper consumption and electricity. We started stocking used papers and donating them to TEMA foundation for recycling, took precautions for electricity consumption by changing our main board and replacing the regular bulbs with eco-friendly bulbs.
We also changed print-out styles for the sake of using less paper for each print. In addition to these targets we aimed to increase the awareness about the environment and nature among our employees by sharing various campaigns organized by NGOs and encouraged the participation. On the other hand we diffused different ways of helping the nature to maintain its beauty such as battery collecting boxes, consumed oil collecting centers, electronic waste collecting centers, etc..
At the end of the year, we were entitled as Green Office and has right to use WWF’s lovely Panda logo.